Sunday Masses

In my sisters words there are two types of people around us . The "bringer-uppers" and the "bringer-downers". Pretty clear from the terms . You just have to know which one you are and which ones you want in life . 
The "bringer-downers" are obviously the ones that make us feel bad about ourselves . These specific type of people know only how to lower your self-confidence . Make you feel like your useless , a burden on every ones shoulders , and basically just a big dumb-ass. All they know is how to project themselves as huge brainiacs , how they are way smarter than you , better at doing something that you do . They criticize us . treat us indirectly like a piece of garbage . they make fun of us not to make themselves feel better but mostly to make us feel like losers . Basically these stupid idiots just want us to feel that we really are good for nothing . Even I know a couple of people of this type . They make fun of me .. discourage me and just show me the negative aspects on everything .. so that I shouldn't do that thing in the first place . Its not 'cause  they think I cant do it .. its cause they know that if I did it , and tried as hard as I could I would probably succeed way more than they ever will . 
The "bringer-uppers" are really the people to go to . They don't discourage us , they don't mock us . Instead if we are going through a low self esteem phase they actually bother to make us feel better . They show us the rainbow , the brighter side of things , the cute dimple we never notice because we are too busy trying to figure out a reason to smile . They have nothing special in them . Actually they are completely normal .. even laid back or casual . Most people think that the "bringer-uppers" are just people who have no brains , no ambition in life . Its sad that we are so blinded by social pressures and lust for money and success that we fail to see the gifts that God has granted people . simple gifts that really do matter .. that not everyone one of us have . The gift of being capable of making people feel better about themselves . 
Its up to us .. we know we are one of the two types . Which one , you have to decide . And when you do try to be a happier person by making others happy . Do stuff because you want to do it . Not because you have yo prove something or beat someone to it . 
Cheerio :)
It's a weird day . Sometimes I feel that having relationships that matter to us so much makes us a little impatient . Don't know if its impatience or just failure of expectations from our relations . But i think that we humans are very fickle . First we want perfect people as per our imagination. And then we want them to have certain features like some new top of the line gadget . And soon we realize that these aren't really the things u wanted . You wanted something else . And then something else . And this goes on and on . 
I wonder why though . Probably 'cause all us humans are dissatisfied with themselves . People don't disappoint us Our disappointments disappoint us . 
So instead of wanting to change people to the point where they are actually your imagination's clone we should try to accept them as they are and realize that this is what we actually loved and still do.

It's cake time !!

Its funny what little gestures can do to make our lives so happy . Birthdays , surprises , presents really make a difference . Its fortunate of some of us to be able to spend our special day with the ones we love . To be treated like everyone is actually pleased that you came into their lives . Parents , siblings , friends really make the day worth while . In the morning most of just have a feeling that its a normal day , you get bored , nothing exciting usually happens . But when it ends I always feel this contentment that i was lucky enough to have the people that mattered most to me around me . 
 The cake cutting is always special . I myself prefer everything chocolate but cheese cakes really don't hurt either ! The birthday song .. so yes we all have grown out of it but still tends to make you smile ear to ear . Funny how we think before our birthday that we are young and the next day after it we feel all grown up . We never realize that inside we are all a one year old toddler who wants presents and attention and most of all love . 
a thought you should really give time to if you know what I'm talking about . 
Goodnight . 
Cheerio :)

First days .

So the first week just ended after a long period of relaxing holidays . But the summer isn't over . Which I realized on my first day back to uni . It was boiling hot . I was soaking in sweat before I reached class . So much for the new clothes :p
Its like sometimes you that feeling that you cant wait to meet your friends or want the fun to start again . But some how I always find first days back extremely disappointing . The people kind of seem bored .. or I think its probably the long communication break with your friends on a daily basis. We all look at each other for something fun to talk about or do but in the end there is an awkward silence between us all . 
I usually hype up about my day back that everyone at home asks how it went . And then all I say is 'yeah it was ok'. 
My first day wasn't bad actually now I think about it . It went smoothly . Didn't loose my temper , didn't even argue with my friend which is a big step :P 
The other days went by smoothly too . And now I'm looking more and more forward to the next week . We all have are expectations . Even no expectation is alot of expectation .. but that's the point of life isn't it . To look ahead .. move on and leave the good and the bad behind . 
Cheerio :)

Thinking again ..

Its getting busier all of a sudden . I have my university starting again . New semester . I vowed I'll study from the beginning this time .. which is not going to happen I know . I've got a few weddings to go to so I'm looking forward to them . 
It's funny how when I had holidays I didn't want them because I was having so much fun . And my favourite words over the summer was "bored" and "boring". But now I don't want the holidays to end . Happens with everyone . We take things for granted . We think as if the feeling would remain forever . One of the reasons why we love memories so much .. they take us back into perfection .. or its actually the perfection we have made them into . Thinking what actually happened makes us remember that at that time we were cribbing about something or the other too . 
I guess its human nature . We want things to be perfect and even our thoughts aren't perfect . Its this race for perfection everyone wants to win . But perfect isn't great .. its always flawed because its always fake .

Give that a thought .. might help with the perspective of alot of things and issues . 

cheerio :)

It's nice to be nice .

I've met alot of people in my life . Some are mean , jealous , boring , and some are just plain kind . But one very nice category has those people in which you would find nothing special. No looks , no big huge full of attitude personality , nothing actually . But they always make you laugh or smile or just leave you with that feeling that you'd like to talk to them again and again . Its like they know some magic to make you smile. Nothing special but something You cant identify . This generally is the case with people having a great impersonal polite but hilarious sense of humor . At least for me , I always feel , that the impact funny or good humored people leave on me is very strong . I always enjoy talking to them and they always make me feel better . 

Its people like these that really are nice , giving a feeling that maybe instead of laughing on someones shoes or clothes or language or lameness I could laugh on stuff that wouldn't hurt others . Some topic that could be light and funny without it having some form of criticism or malice or just meanness in it . 
So I learned today due to a very nice friend how good it is to be funny and nice at the same time . Because the feeling you have when you know you made someone smile because of you is sensational . 
Do try being nice the next time you loose patience , or instead of taking offense just laugh it off . It really wont hurt you , you know . 
cheerio :)

The endless summer .

It's so hot here today. In the winters you realize how much you miss summer and today is one of those days in which I think why'd I ever miss summer in the first place . Everyone is sweaty , and ice melts in a second , the water doesn't seem cold enough . One speciality of summer is how your make up totally melts in tiny drops of off your face . And the all time winner is when you have to drive a car and touch the scorching hot steering wheel . Actually i have a better one , the burning sensation of your sun blocked body on leather car seats . The feeling is just sensational. My friend has leather car seats .. and every time I get reminded of how much better it would be to sit on ice :P 

But summer has its peaks . The cold Pepsi , the ice creams that melt before we eat them .. and most of all the MANGOES . I like how all the little children play in the sun and come inside as red as tomatoes . They don't care about sun burns or sweat or smelling like rotten eggs :)I wish I could be like them too . Guess I cant because life gets stupid when we grow up .. it turns boring . 
But with the bad parts even, I like summer .. it has a warmth in it . the sun setting and the temperature getting cooler really soothes the nerves . It always makes me appreciate the beauty of things we dislike even . If it wasn't so hot in the day time I wouldn't be able to enjoy the cooler weather in evening .

So try to look around and find happiness in small things rather than waiting for some big bang in your life . Its simpler . And simpler is better . 
cheerio :)