
Final year is turning out to be a bitch . I don't study anything , and now I don't even complain about not studying anything . Wonder if that's a positive thing ?:p 

Sadly we are living in times where our showers are 10 minutes and our sweaty mucky work is 100 hours .But one thing Ive finally thought about is what I want to do with my life . And no it isn't conquer the world or get a really high profile job . Its just to do the stuff I want to.Not to make a career that pays the bills. My friend and I were talking that day about the fact that no one around us plans on doing things they want in life . They just want a career whether they like that job or not . Yeah its practical and all that rubbish . But how practical really is it since your gonna end up in the grave anyway ? God isn't gonna ask you ho much money you minted or how much fun you had . No ones going to hold u accountable for anything . So why not just for once sit down and take a breath . We are in a rush to go . to come back , our parties are rushed up affairs , shopping is like your the speed of light , cooking is easy , everything in short is really short !
Not many people I know read books . Its face book ! all the freakin' time. Ive actually forgotten the feeling of a slow Sunday because its stopped existing anywhere . I sleep late wake up late . Sleep early wake up early and waste a tonne of time in between doing things that's give me no pleasure whatsoever ! 
I wonder if the concept of a bucket list exists anywhere ? Yeah sure we all have so many wished that we want to be true. but how badly do we want them ? Because clearly we don't want them as bad as money , fame or glory. 
Everyone does things to please others . You do it for your parents or your wife or your children . I'm yet to see someone do something for themselves. And if God forbid someone does have a little fun in life we call them selfish . NO !! selfish is thinking about yourselves while depriving others of theirs thoughts and actions. Actions that are harmless to others but pleasurable to you is not selfishness. Its called being happy guys . 
I can name 100 people in my circle who do things for all the wrong reasons and then they act all deep and philosophical . Philosophy isn't something that has to be as deep as an ocean . Philosophy is a thought. the thought of peace , the silence that you enjoy.
So if you trying to hard to earn money or a career or a girl or boy or whatever the hell .. sit down , take a breath and drink cold water . And ask yourself is this thing going to make you happy on your deathbed ? If not then your a jackass cause honey you've just wasted at least 2 decades cleaning up peoples crap. Stop worrying about others and what car they have or how thin your best friends wife is and how unhot yours is. Love yourself and love others. Most of all love your life. 
P.S If your having a really hard time accepting this or if all you want in life is to win a trophy then sorry dude this isn't for you . The prize isn't tangible or boast able.
Cheerio :)