Friends Forever ???!!!!!! whatever

You've gotta know who are the people worth spending a big part of your day are .. in other words I mean to say that you've gotta know who your real friends are . I've changed alot of schools and met alot of people . But out of so many people I've spent school or college or university days with I can only name a handful of them I'd call my "friends" . 
The thing is first of all lets clear the definition of a friend in my mind and yours . A friend , pal , chum , buddy whatever you may call him/her is an individual who you can talk the worlds' crap with , you can insult in front of the whole world and get away with it 'cause actually even he's laughing with you on your choice of words and expressions . Friends don't have to be all close and keep each others secrets . They don't need to do any kindness for you or do your homework for you or let you stay in their house if your parents kick you out of theirs . 
Its a wrong concept with with the whole bumper sticker concept of a good friend and real friend !! Dude seriously their is no such thing . The only thing that exists is a FRIEND . No best or childhood or whatever attached to that . 
Don't have stupid expectations from them .. jealousy towards them . Don't hate your friend coz he has a hot girlfriend.. hate the girlfriend for being so hot that she burning your relationship with your friend. 
And most of all before deciding if that girl/guy is your true friend think that are you a good enough friend for them ?? Would you be able to do what your expecting them to do ? 
That's where it all begins and that's where it all ends . 
Also check this really funny but nice video .. I'm sure alot of us have seen it .
Cheerio :)

The bravest are the tenderest.. The loving are the daring

I don't really like the feeling I get if I'm ignored or dismissed by someone . Especially that someone being the person I'm attached to . Its kind of mean when you care about people so much and in the end they don't even give a damn about your care or your effort . 
 Love isn't always about feeling .. it's equally important to express . Sometimes we can express it by giving gifts , or by going out to eat together , or by just sitting on the same couch and watching a really boring show . But your not paying attention to it , 'cause what matters is the company your with . The security that you feel by being with those special people . 
But some time in life it is absolutely necessary to say it out aloud that you love and care for people . I mean come on they 
aren't Edward Cullens who can read your thoughts !! It feels nice to hear that yeah OK I'm loved by someone , because at the darkest of times when we aren't feeling all positive about our decisions in life ( and yes I have those times alot . I'm sure we all do , we just want to be too macho to admit it ! ) it's nice to hear someone tell you that you make them smile .. or that "oh I thought about you in class today" .. or "I went shopping and looked at these fab pair of shoes I knew would match with that new dress of yours" . Or just a simple "I missed you today when we were talking about happiness" would do the trick too :)

So go to the one you love or if there are multiple then go at different times :p and tell them that you love them . Stop trying to make them guess all the time .. actually say it this time dudes and dudettes !
It feels good !! Easy on the nerves .. soothing even . 
Cheerio :)

It's not so hard to just ...accept .

I wonder sometimes that why do people expect some super-human stuff from me ? Or from us all as that matter . Its funny how long a list of everyday disappointments can be . I mean seriously dude why do people have to make me into something I'm not ?
Parents complain about grades and how aimless you are in life . How I turned out to be not so good  of an influence on the younger generation . How I think life is all about fun , or making mistakes or doing small kindness to people I don't know . I didn't know what a crime it was to listen to your heart once in a while . 
Some people are generally the quiet type and some are the be-all-bubbly type . I feel that both the types are always misjudged . The quiet and introvert type actually don't have a scheming mind and a heart full of hatred for people . They actually are really simple . They want the simple stuff in life . Some love and a little appreciation from those who matter to them . But unfortunately they never get both usually . 
The bubbly type again are the poor souls people take to be shallow  and even diplomatic . They are deep and sensitive . Not the devil may care attitude we actually think they have . And all they want is for people to actually take them seriously consider the authenticity of their words . 
It's really sad that we as parents or elders cant tell children once that whatever they are doing it's theirs to bear ... that we are proud of them no matter what . That we don't judge them on the basis of choices they make or where they end up in life . We don't care if they didn't become a doctor or a solicitor , or that choosing a place or city to live in that we wouldn't have personally chosen doesn't make you lesser children of ours . 
So if your a parent or a guardian or just a parental figure in the life of a youngster or even a grown-up try to be nice to them . Talk to them . Ask them the stress their under or their aspirations in life . And most importantly love them without a condition attached . Without malice or social taboos or external pressure . Make someone feel good in life , 'cause honestly I think we really need to make others feel happy and better ourselves . For the contentment within. 



Embrace it .. or forget it .

It's funny how people change so much and we never even realize it after a long time . Friends and family and even acquaintances . My personal experience has really shocked me out of my shoes sometimes .
 They say they like you as you are , no changes no alterations . And then one day when your finally feeling happy with yourself and approve of even your disliked traits BOOM!!!! You get a wake up call . Your family member says 'you didn't turn out as expected ' , or your friend who loved your new  bob all of a sudden says ' you should do something about your hair ' .If the liked you 'cause of your height , now they think your 'too towering above them' .If you have acne they all of a sudden realize that'clear skin would really suit you '. And ofcourse a very hot favourite is that if your a little towards the chubby side , justttt a little tiny winy bit , they change their 'your likable as you are ' to a ' you should loose a little weight you know , its not too harmful' !! Yeah right people . Must not be harmful coming from your mouth but the little change you want to make definitely sounds as much harmful as a nuclear bomb to me.

Why aren't people ever happy with us ?? Or is it just us seeking too much approval from them ?? Low self-esteem issues that compel us to be dependant on a fickle opinion of a person who cant live 7 straight days without bringing about a "phenomenal" change in you ? I myself haven't ever been able to justify my need to be accepted by a few specific people in my  life. So like all things,I change something or the other in my own way so that he/she/they can approve .
But here's the thing .. if I have enough courage to change or alter something in me physically or personality wise , don't the people I'm doing it for have enough dignity to accept me the way I am ? ....And by acceptance I don't mean just bear me , but actually love me for the way I am .
I'm sure we all would like to live one day without trying to fit in , or be recognized or simply put "to be loved". Unbelievably nowadays we have to actually 'make an effort' to get love .

It's sad that the person/persons we do all this shit for don't get the fact that if we get acceptance for the way we are , we are bound to change ourselves in a  constructive way out of love for them . Not out of some invisible binding that comes with relationships.
So since I cant change the ones I love , I'd like to atleast accept them for them .. for the reason we loved them in the first place . Not for some "custom-made human" we want them to be .
Cheerio :)

The shopaholic way

Shopping for some is a hobby and for some it's an addiction . I personally would put myself under the second category . First I had alot of pocket money .. so naturally I didn't know what to do with it . Now times have changed so much that I barely have lunch money :p

Some people might not like spending too much money .. especially on things one barely needs . That's a good habit , but sometimes you just have to spend that extra amount of money for something useless. Its a sort of detox for the soul . Forgetting the same old routine rules and having just a little bit of an adventure.
It feels nice to hold a shiny new shopping bag full of something you've splundered money on . The feel and smell of new clothes still smelling of the store you got them from . The shine of a trinket , the freshness of a fruit , the calories of an extra packet of sweets . The happiness is just endless . You feel alive , fresh , reincarnated even and at some rare times ,  motivated .

Most importantly its the feeling we get when we know we've done something for our own self .. something selfish that for once isn't harming anyone or anything . Something people cant judge you on. Buying something absolutely unnecessary is good sometimes . It helps to know that mostly we feel so trapped ,  sometimes due to circumstances , or due to relatives , friends or just the society in general , but buying something you've always wanted or you've always wanted to give to someone you love actually breaks us free of those invisible bars around us .
So it's nice to get up , grab your  credit cards or cash , get a ride to the mall and spend uselessly. 
Go give yourself a treat .. if for nothing else than for the simple reason that your bearing the puking roller coaster that life is .