It's not so hard to just ...accept .

I wonder sometimes that why do people expect some super-human stuff from me ? Or from us all as that matter . Its funny how long a list of everyday disappointments can be . I mean seriously dude why do people have to make me into something I'm not ?
Parents complain about grades and how aimless you are in life . How I turned out to be not so good  of an influence on the younger generation . How I think life is all about fun , or making mistakes or doing small kindness to people I don't know . I didn't know what a crime it was to listen to your heart once in a while . 
Some people are generally the quiet type and some are the be-all-bubbly type . I feel that both the types are always misjudged . The quiet and introvert type actually don't have a scheming mind and a heart full of hatred for people . They actually are really simple . They want the simple stuff in life . Some love and a little appreciation from those who matter to them . But unfortunately they never get both usually . 
The bubbly type again are the poor souls people take to be shallow  and even diplomatic . They are deep and sensitive . Not the devil may care attitude we actually think they have . And all they want is for people to actually take them seriously consider the authenticity of their words . 
It's really sad that we as parents or elders cant tell children once that whatever they are doing it's theirs to bear ... that we are proud of them no matter what . That we don't judge them on the basis of choices they make or where they end up in life . We don't care if they didn't become a doctor or a solicitor , or that choosing a place or city to live in that we wouldn't have personally chosen doesn't make you lesser children of ours . 
So if your a parent or a guardian or just a parental figure in the life of a youngster or even a grown-up try to be nice to them . Talk to them . Ask them the stress their under or their aspirations in life . And most importantly love them without a condition attached . Without malice or social taboos or external pressure . Make someone feel good in life , 'cause honestly I think we really need to make others feel happy and better ourselves . For the contentment within. 


Wajiha Maryam said...

Wooohooo I can FINALLY comment:P Haha moving on, I completely agree. I wish 'following your heart' wasn't so looked down upon in our society!

Mehreen said...

yeah its sad you cant use the one thing that really keeps us alive

ayeshashoaib said...

so true mehreen:)