Green eyes aren't always pretty.

"No Sire! For it Is the green-eyed monster that dock moth."
A line taken from Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. Spoken for probably the strongest emotion ... Even stronger than hatred. JEALOUSY.

We all feel jealous sometime in life. We feel a certain pang of ... Just UHHHHH.... towards someone. Sometimes it's coz they succeeded more in life than you ever wanted to. Other times for lack of attention from the one you love. And sometimes just by material things like beauty , money , influence.
How hard is it to make someone feel jealous ?? Literally a matter of 10 minutes to the most. We know everyones inner complexes subconsciously. So when the time comes .. To boost our ego .. Or to just get attention and love ... We make people feel jealous. In my experience it's the most horrible emotion that could've been created in this universe. Every time I've felt jealous I've ended up ruining my day , my mood and generally killing a microscopic part in me that could've made me feel happy instead.
I've even made people jealous. Like SUPER GREEN EYED jealous. Like us all I've got satisfaction from it. I don't justify what I did or sometimes still do. But I guess it's just some void I want to full inside of me .. To feel that yes that person does care for me if they felt jealousy.
But overtime I've realized that instead of doing all that. All I can do is go over to that person and actually demand the love or attention I want. It's cheap and really lowly to droop to a level you don't belong to for nothing but even lesser love.
So next time you feel jealous or make someone jealous tell yourself.... And to the person too that how would you have felt ??
Cheerio :)

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