The tale of 'Pixie Rabbit' .

Its no easy to write about people that you always remember ..and its not easier to be the person who can sit in someones heart for all the right reasons .. but believe it or not we have alot of such idiots among us . And they make our days better , make our smiles brighter ,  and make our occasions happier . 

One such type exists around me ..I'm sure you have one of those people too . 
Not to take any names .. the person I know is WILD . And its the bestest word I can come up with for her . Shes probably one person I have NEVER  seen sad . And that's a big feat considering the fact that we all are bunch of mopers around her . So this friend .. say her name is pixie rabbit  .. is one of the people who after I meet , always feel happy . Shes lame to the point of dying :p .... but that's her best thing.Shes not conscious about what she is ..and I don't think she should be . Rabbit is just an example of  what we should all be... sometimes I laugh at just how ridiculously happy she can make all us friends .
I wish we all  ,including me , could be more like the rabbit in each of our lives . Not be conscious of people staring at how loud we laugh ,or not giving a shit on how many problems we have . Trying super crazy stuff with our hair and succeeding in looking DA BOMB after every one of those adventures .
I mean at the end of it all it really does take a superhuman amount of courage to try new hairstyles and pull them off every single freakin' time :)
And even more strength to pull us lazy-dumb ass-literally red eyed rabbits out of our rabbit holes and bring us out into the green green grass with yummy orange carrots  , munching and pooping all over the garden without any worry .
So this is for my rabbit out there . And I hope you guys go and tell it to your rabbit too that thank you for making us smile and laugh and most importantly making enough of a difference to care and make us want to  . And enjoy a carrot with them .


rabeya tufail said...

HOW CHEAP marine ..... NOT ...welll im sure you do get the joke! mehreem you just brought back so many old memories ..really im actually so glad that you have a blog , you just summed up all our old times together , in the most beautiful ,appropriate words !! this blog just makes me miss all of us SO much right now ! i wish we could just go back in time and live it up all over again ... i LOVE YOUU and misss you sooooooo muchhh ... wish you all the best for the future..dont forget me ever. ill always be your rabbit and im always there to cheer you up :D

Mehreen said...

love u too rabbit

Umer's Photography said...

You are doing great Zoro :)

javeriah said...

can you believe it. Froggie was the person i was thinking about while reading this post :)