All you need... is someone else's idea.

So just the other day me and my mom were talking(actually bitching) about some old colleague of hers . Who was extremely unfocused in life , didn't want to do much except spy on her flirt of a husband , and leave her kids to eat any junk they could find as long as she didn't have to cook after her day in the hospital ended. But no matter what she was ...... one thing she was excellent at and that is ..... yes the way we all prosper .......*drums roll*... the art of COPYING . Oh yes ...... that's the word. I've seen too many people around me who had nothing in them worth being rich and famous and successful except this great quality .

And I call it a quality because in today's world that's what it is . 
So I'll most happily mention three examples of the people I have seen prosper to an unbelievable degree . And I'm sure we all have these kind of lovely people around us . Did I mention that with this skill of cheating everything from others these people also have an unlimited power to annoy you as soon as you see them :p

As mentioned above .. She was kind of my mom's friend. And she didn't know jack about gynaecology . But that's the wonder of a human brain . And yes our beloved auntie learnt tiny little tips from all the senior doctors ... mixed them all up into one 'personal' guidebook for herself .. and voila now shes the consultant of a highly esteemed hospital without any actual qualifications except MBBS and bachelors in CHEATING . Even now she doesn't know much about her profession ... but what the hell hai na ???all that matters is the praise and awe in other peoples eyes .. and the moola of course $$. To be honest she cant even say OK properly !! 

My best friend has a friend ... who was fine as she was . But all of a sudden one fine summer break later , she comes back a size zero because my friend is thin and pretty . And to top it all off she copies the EXACT same fashion sense as my bestie . o.k so its good and kind of flattering to know that people look up to you and that you might inspire and make them feel better about themselves in some way .. but this is going a littttttle too far . The funniest thing now is that that copycat of a lady now TELLS my friend that YOUR the one looking up to ME . Hahaha.... seriously !!!!!! But what can you do . That's the most common of humans .. they don't have enough dignity to accept that they were inspired or impressed by a mere human . 

I start a blog because I have nothing better to do ... and just a little time after that I have 3-4 people I know who have started one . But that's not the issue . The issue is they've copied even the most personal touches I use . And wait there is more ... they are super nice and hello-y with me ... but don't have enough guts to talk about their little new copying adventures . Another of my friends is a super talented photographer (actually he's my brother now:p... to all the people who know the story) and now since he's famous and good at his thing I've seen around 10 more people trying to copy him in someway or the other . 
Originality Nam Ki koi chiz hi nhi hai !!!

Maze Ki bat(the unbelievable thing) about all of such activities is that people do them for all the wrong reasons ... like success or money or popularity . And they act all high and mighty like they were the pioneers. Give me a break . 
Isn't there anything such as honesty left around us ?? When will people get the fact that intentions are what make us content and successful .You shouldn't buy a Mercedes just 'cause your friend has one ... get inspired by the hard work with which he got it . 
So this is to all the copycats out there ... honey your not gonna go too far with all your crookedness . So wake up before it's too late ... because talent to bohat hai (there is too much talent).. and it's going to kick your ass like hell very soon. 
Cheerio :)

1 comment:

Umer's Photography said...

Awww mehreen :) loved it :)