Do and don"t ....???

I wonder how long in life do we have to keep on doing the"right" thing ! Right by this worlds standards. Or by our own imaginary book of rights n wrongs. Or by our families standards.
No matter what the case is. In this world people are never forgiven for a mistake and most of the time it's a mistake according to us. It might not b something wrong at all if only we didn't have some rule book instructions for people.

We have to behave nicely. Study nicely. Be successful. Be presentable. Have excellent language skills. Not break trusts. Not listen to our heart. Just keep on listening to people around us. We can't be too stupid to tell what we feel n people are too important to listen anyways.

So what are we actually doing right ?? I dont think anything we can ever do can make people give us one more chance. One benefit of doubt. One pat of encouragement.

Apparently I learned today ... Actually for quite sometime now ... That no matter what we do. One tiny mistake be it the heart's or the head's. It is never forgiven.
But we never think that who gave us the authority to forgive or punish in the first place ? We are as wrong as the next person. So why can't we give them a chance. How wrong can they do ? N why can't they do wrong ?? Or actually just DO !!
So next time before worrying and judging and making people think about why they where born to be related to you in anyway at all. Give them a chance. And most importantly give them their life back. Not what your take on their life is.
So thank You God for the good I did , and sorry for the bad.
Cheerio :)

Recognition is due ...

Today is Women's day .... wow . The nicest thing about today around me is that not one SINGLE Male and mostly all of the females too , remember today . 
Women I don't even think need to 'remember' it as such . Because helooooo we are celebrating women in the first place aren't we !!! But well ... all  around the world mostly today has a great deal of importance . Especially in the eyes of this male chauvinistic , male dominated world . I wouldn't say that the age has advanced so much that women are at par with men and all that women rights crap la la la la . 
No I am honesty sick as hell with all that same stuff. What I see as a 20 year old female ... actually 20 year old person who has nothing better to do in this world ... is a society around me worse than the day humans were made . We say women weren't respected in the early ages !!! well here's the respect they get today :

She goes through the painful process of childbirth ... gives up her career most of the times . And stinks with baby poop and cerelac just because she loves us . What does she get ?? She gets a mom your too interfering ... too old fashioned . Too wrinkly ... too fat ... too conservative ... too open minded (yes that happens) embarrassed me in front of my KEWL friends . 
What is she seen as ??? A woman in your house who does the cooking and cleaning and managing without the hassle that we have to pay her . Without the thought that just for one day she would want to go to the cinema and watch that new movie instead of her bratty ass-hole children . Just for one day she would like to buy her heart out ... buy the most useless things without the burden that she has to be answerable about the house budget . 
Whats she going to get after her children read this ??? An ohhhh yes that's true ... I'll be different with my mom from now on ... I'm already too nice with her actually ... Moms need kindness ??? no way man they GIVE not TAKE  . 

She probably helps you out with you homework ... she makes you stuff to eat when you hungry like a dog ... she helps you out in sticky situations . Basically shes your moms reflection without the generation gap . 
What is she seen as ?? Oh shes just a temporary member , going to get married anytime soon . The sooner the better because I'll hog the TV and the laptop and everything possible . (After all I am the meanest , greediest person alive ... I've never seen luxuries ... I'm a beast ) 
She doesn't have the Right to go abroad for higher studies ... 'cause  heyyyyy whats she gonna do if the party isn't for girls ??? Why should she go ??? She will be having stinky babies in the end .. so why waste mom and dads money on her its not like shes gonna become the president. ( Although my chances of being the head of the state are WAYYYYY more than even the current president) 
Whats she gonna get after her sibling reads this ?? Awww sis your the best ...*huggs and kisses* ... not more than that because I'll have to spend money . My sister doesn't like to go out and eat ... why have you heard her say that ?? .... um no I just assumed it like I always do due to me being a jerk and self obsessed idiot . 

She supports you day in and day out ... bears your nonsense , mood swings , makes food , feeds you like a 2 year old , gets you presents for EVERY occasion . She's ready to fight her parents for you . She would punch her best friend if she loves you . She would wake up for you early in the morning even if her office started late . Literally offence ... but shes your bitch . Does whatever you tell her to do . And in return asks for the best free  but priceless thing in this world ...LOVE . 
What is she seen as ??? Shes the one who will bear my parents because I certainly cant . She can fight with my mom if something I don't like is cooked in the house ... why should I stand up for myself ?? She works like a maid ... in the end just to hear that your not the type of wife I wanted ... You never supported me when I needed it ..... I've gone mad working for you just so that you could buy that silly dress .... Your too fat try loosing some weight like my BOSS' WIFE , or my best friends gf ... or even some random chick they just saw . 
What is she going to get after you read this ??? Oh here I got you a flower ...from our garden because the other ones come from money and they will die in the end so whats the point . I'll take you out for dinner my favourite restaurant and order my favourite food . I love you ... can you make me a cup of coffee office was too annoying today , I struck a major deal that I will be head of and its all about ME now  la la la la . 

She has no one else to go to so shes come here ... not because shes on the same frequency level as us . 
She does your assignments ... marks your attendance ...Brings lunch for you ... Makes you feel better if your having an off day . Recruits prospective chicks for you . 
What is she seen as ?? Oh shes a social outcast that's why shes with me ... She must be corrupt because aren't they all !!!!!:@ ..... Shes using me for my money or other such shit .... No guy will ever fall for HER , shes way too natural and original , shes way too fat , Way too skinny , way too ugly , way too this way too that . Shes not as respect worthy as my sister or mom or gf or wife is ..... because shes an orphan right ?? she doesn't deserve respect because why the hell dude why the hell !!! 
What is she going to get after you read this ??? 
Nothing . 
Not even a thank you , a smile , a compliment . 

In all these categories Not  EVEN one of these is getting RESPECT . Because of one stupid thing : EGO ... male EGO .. that would show your actually a man in front of your other guy friends or relatives . That would show your actually the perfect man you want to be when you buy that Hugo Boss perfume or Nike sandals . 
So dude if your not going to do something about it .... your daughter /wife/friend or just any random woman is surely going to screw your life over when he shows you the mirror on how big a JERK you are . I'd like to see better men when I'm 40 !

Respect them , love them . 
Happy women's day .
Cheerio :) 

Welcome to the zoo ...

I'll cut out the true love part from my life because as of yet I havnt seen it at all . By seen it I dont mean that it doesnt exist ... it does ... but not for me....not tangibly enough to beleive in it . 
 Humans are the most insecure animals in this world . YES animals because what we are doing to people around us can only be justfied if we are like any other predator in the jungle . They will do ANYTHING for an ego boost.And they do . Some of those things I actually had the time to make a list of in my head . 
  • If they get sad its genuine .... but if one of their friends does they just laugh it off or completely deflect it . I mean it is extremely pissing off when that happens . 
  • If you have anger management issues then your a child that is just stubborn and out of control ... if they have them then its justifiable . 
  • Your so freakin' stylish and your aesthetic sense is so good that people come up and literally beg for an opinion ... but hey guess what ... they never even tried one little tip you gave them . 
  • People can have "life theories" and philosophies ... but you cant open your mouth because your just too boring and pakaoo and over emotional .
  • They zone out completely when your talking ... well you deserve that because you listen to their gibberish all the time . 
  • You cant be excited on something because come one your 20 now .... but they can even when they get full marks on an A B C test !!! 
  • You dont have the right dream ... but come on they've always wanted that stupid toy forever !
  • When they buy its reasonable ... when you do its frivolous and no-value-for-money . 
  • You dont deserve a good job because your too dumb or your not fit for it in any stupid way ... they deserve one because they are "people who shall bring change" . 
  • You buy make up .... WTH ... they do ...well you copied us in the first place na ? 
  • If your good at something every person around will make ABSOLUTELY sure they criticize so much that you might as well think your a failure . 
  • Emotional blackmailing!!!!!!! that's what they do ,and we quietly knowing , but too much in love to say it , get blackmailed anyways . 
  • There isnt one occasion where they will NOT give a shot to boost their ego by making you jealous , insecure  , show how they are better and your just one of the millions that got selected . 
I am sick of such people around me . They come in the form of a crush , a  friend ,a family member or just a stupid dumb-ass person you've met or talked to 2 times in your life . 
If you have ever done 3 or more of these to ANYONE ... yup congratulations your officially a jerk , dog , tiger , monkey .... or even worse A PIG . 
Cheerio :) 
or should I howl in your language for you to get it :p
P.S Dude it's not always about you all the time ... but if you want it to be .. then leave me in peace at least because I'll be happier without you .

Ouch ... that's what it feels like .

All our time we spend with people we are the most comfortable with ... thinking that they know us .. not completely but at least the visible parts of our personality and heart . Well guess what ... THEY DON'T . No matter what you do , or don't do , they end up having this cement block with your name on it in there heads . It cant be remolded , or melted and shaped again .
They see a few qualities of yours and when those attributes aren't working in their favour , they twist them around and distort them and one day show you that you are just a manipulative little individual . 
Recently happened to me .. one of my friends who I've always thought of as a really nice and kind person ended up literally slamming into my face that I am just friends with people because I have some work of my own to take from them ... or some cheap free favour !! 
That was really the end and beginning of it all . From now on I have decided to treat people like they treat me ..... COW DUNG . I'm nice with them ... I help them out .. I make an effort for them to smile ... and what do I get ?? I get stupid silly words like ,
"you'd do this because you want your own little work to be done ." 
Or ,
"you prefer me only when you its convenient for you."
I mean SERIOUSLY dude . WTF who do people think I am  in the first place ?? Some orphan on the street they can insult and laugh on like that . I admit I was weak and kind of embarrassed after that moment . I couldn't think of anything smart to say . I still cant  ... but the difference between then and now is that I'm pumped with extra blood and and an overdose of bad temper now . So I'm on kind of a rampage now ... a killing spree I like to call it :p 

If anyone who ever reads this has a similar recollection of such adorable and exciting , bone-crunching , limb tearing memories ... please don't be shy to punch that persons face ... or even better USE YOUR TONGUE . Because they slashed you with words too in the first place . 
And don't be afraid to spill the lava ... they should know how it burns too . Not just you .
A very angry but still kind of exhilarated  
Cheerio :)