Welcome to the zoo ...

I'll cut out the true love part from my life because as of yet I havnt seen it at all . By seen it I dont mean that it doesnt exist ... it does ... but not for me....not tangibly enough to beleive in it . 
 Humans are the most insecure animals in this world . YES animals because what we are doing to people around us can only be justfied if we are like any other predator in the jungle . They will do ANYTHING for an ego boost.And they do . Some of those things I actually had the time to make a list of in my head . 
  • If they get sad its genuine .... but if one of their friends does they just laugh it off or completely deflect it . I mean it is extremely pissing off when that happens . 
  • If you have anger management issues then your a child that is just stubborn and out of control ... if they have them then its justifiable . 
  • Your so freakin' stylish and your aesthetic sense is so good that people come up and literally beg for an opinion ... but hey guess what ... they never even tried one little tip you gave them . 
  • People can have "life theories" and philosophies ... but you cant open your mouth because your just too boring and pakaoo and over emotional .
  • They zone out completely when your talking ... well you deserve that because you listen to their gibberish all the time . 
  • You cant be excited on something because come one your 20 now .... but they can even when they get full marks on an A B C test !!! 
  • You dont have the right dream ... but come on they've always wanted that stupid toy forever !
  • When they buy its reasonable ... when you do its frivolous and no-value-for-money . 
  • You dont deserve a good job because your too dumb or your not fit for it in any stupid way ... they deserve one because they are "people who shall bring change" . 
  • You buy make up .... WTH ... they do ...well you copied us in the first place na ? 
  • If your good at something every person around will make ABSOLUTELY sure they criticize so much that you might as well think your a failure . 
  • Emotional blackmailing!!!!!!! that's what they do ,and we quietly knowing , but too much in love to say it , get blackmailed anyways . 
  • There isnt one occasion where they will NOT give a shot to boost their ego by making you jealous , insecure  , show how they are better and your just one of the millions that got selected . 
I am sick of such people around me . They come in the form of a crush , a  friend ,a family member or just a stupid dumb-ass person you've met or talked to 2 times in your life . 
If you have ever done 3 or more of these to ANYONE ... yup congratulations your officially a jerk , dog , tiger , monkey .... or even worse A PIG . 
Cheerio :) 
or should I howl in your language for you to get it :p
P.S Dude it's not always about you all the time ... but if you want it to be .. then leave me in peace at least because I'll be happier without you .

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