Pump .

While the rest of the world ... my classmates ... are busy studying their asses off (no offence to anyone) , here I am wasting my time sleeping and watching TV . Actually no !!I did some bio-medical engineering crap today . And it made me thinking if we are supposed to make the stupid medical machines only , then why the hell are we studying about what happens in the human body . And then I'm in the 1000th random discussion with my sister . ...Yes I tend to do that a lot while I'm studying ! 
And what am I thinking ... that if I were to be a doctor what would fascinate me the most . And before I even finished my question I had the answer . I wont say "the gift of life" and all that crap . No the simplest thing that fascinates me the most is a heart . A beating heart . I mean I don't think anything could be more miraculous than that . An organ that pumps blood without any external help or stimulus . Come to think of it , if it isn't for us moron humans our heart could kind of live forever . We eat fatty foods and fill it with layers of unhealthy gelatin like rubbish. On top of that we literally press it between our own two hands to relieve the stress we created for it in the first place . Talk about being killers and you find one in front of the mirror. 
What can be more magical than a bag pumping blood all on its own to a body that in return just punctures and thrashes that bags little heart . Our heart would have a heart too . Just like we feel hurt and broken or angry ... or happy excited loved . Why would our heart not feel the same ?? It's another thing that the hurt and anger and love is all dependant on how we feel ourselves in the first place.

This little bag ... it beats . The most soothing sound that can exist . Some times even more that the sound of laughter around us . I once went with my mom and waited outside the labour ward while she was delivering babies of patients. and I heard it for the first time . At first I though there was some problem with the plumbing of the hospital .. and then I asked my sis what it was . And she told me . The beating of the little heart of a little baby about to come into this big big world . The heartbeat is usually so hard to hear that the nurses have to put it on a speaker for the doctors to hear . And that was my first time I fell in love with the heart itself . The poetic organ of our body that makes us love in the fist place .
How strong is the heart ??  well i guess pretty strong . It makes us blush when we are shy ( and trust me girls the hot guy has nothing to do with it whatsoever) . It flutters when he walks through that door towards us . It sends butterflies when we are happy . It makes us hot when we are angry . It beats like a drum when we are nervous . It makes our hands and feet cold when we are scared . It makes us cry on movies that are purely stupid . It makes us laugh when we see that one smile we would give anything for . In short when we feel happy .. our heart does . When we don't I doubt it the heart does too. 
So here it is to the most special , most magical , most heroic organ that can exist ..... actually stronger than even the strongest men we think .
Keep it happy.
Cheerio :)


Rafi said...

lol i never think about heart like this :D <3

Wajiha Maryam said...

Haha wow I'm glad you could take sucha positive message from IBMe. You should thank Ms. Saleha for that:P Seriously though, I loved this. It was one of your best posts I think:) You're right we really need to take better care of our hearts

Daanish said...

well said,nice;y written.