Home is where the heart is .

A simple phrase ... but mostly under rated and completely cliched ... but then again cliches are cliches for a reason .
 I always have wondered why people say it .. mostly we just take the words all too literally . That , where ever we feel the most comfortable or perfectly fitted that's what a home is . In a way its true. But I - like always-  have my stupid-as-a-result-of-over-thinking take on it . 

Home , heart are so relative .To someone who moves houses and changes cities every 2-3 years they would certainly be very insensitive to the term . But I also think that people who have lived at the same place for their entire lives wouldn't know anything known as a 'non-home' environment. Wrong in both cases. Home isn't really a tangible word. It's not a building with four walls and a really soft bed. It isn't even a super luxurious area with a hugeeeeee LCD TV and an awesome sofa as a cherry on top .
 It's just the heart I guess . Its the place where our hearts beat ..actually where it's alive . 
Now , even that is such a relative phrase . If I'd talk about myself what would it mean ?? I'm not even sure myself I guess ... until I realise something is missing. Or some people are missing . Like I have everything but that one spark to set it all ablaze is what actually makes all the pieces come together. 

Home is a place that doesn't have to exist for people to see . Its untouchable and kind of even unfeelable by anyone but you... that's because it is YOUR home . Not someone Else's . Your happy place , with your person or persons , with your children , with the family you haven't met since you got married , with the loved one that you spend taking care off but see not much progress in recovery of , with your smile and with your laughter and tears mingled together.... where you don't really feel your missing out on something .Your finally not jealous of someone Else's life because you have the peace you've been searching for all your life . 
The travelling doesn't have to be physical , we don't have to travel the 7 continents , walks miles , or experience some big catastrophe to find love and peace . All we need is to look around .. use our senses ...may be home is the person talking to us , or the garden we sit in , or the family dinner we have , or basically anything at all that touches our deepest recesses , its just something that in the end finally makes misery a little or totally easy to bear . 

So if its the home your worried about .. then your worries end here . Don't earn money for a brick wall to be decorated with accessories and gadgets , or for a wooden floor , or for the latest car . Invest in smiles and people . Invest in that warmth that no one but you can feel .Invest in something like the mirror of Erised-only in this case it shows the real deal ... the background you never noticed because you were too busy looking at yourself and how your smile lacked that special thing . You don't look bad because your ugly or fat or poor or unhappy , its exactly as it should be , except that you forgot to adjust the lights behind you. 

Cheerio :)

1 comment:

AVY said...

I wish I had just one home.

/ Avy