Looky Looky

It's been such a long summer and I don't think i need to mention it was boiling hot too . My summer was exciting in good and bad ways . Fast forward it all and ow here I am stuck in my boring routine life with oodles of courses I ain't getting jack of.
The nicer part was I got holidays again in the last ten days of Ramadan . This post today would probably be all about me i guess . So I'm going to mope a little and complain a little and all this little is going to add up to be very big :p
So the other day I was just talking to a friend ( nothing special in that ) and I don't really know how the conversation really started but it ended up on one word "show off " . And obviously used in a very wrong manner . Which kind of created a rift too and killed the spirit of any conversation that would've been held following that :p
But I realised that around us we do alot of things that others perceive as us showing off to the world , or relatives or whoever the hell it is . This is because the level of superficiality has increased so much that we no longer stop to think for even a minute that maybe that person isn't  'flaunting' it,.... maybe its what they enjoy doing . By that I mean that we have stopped giving people a chance in life . We don't consider their perspective and we definitely take the first chance possible to jump in and criticise or accuse the person . Actually no That's what happened to me . I was offended as soon as it came out of my dear friends mouth . I've been kind of having conflicting thoughts about it too . I thought I'd confront . But then I thought it better to not . Because if the person didn't see it in me then they wouldn't see it now even .
So the easiest way was to mope it out here . But the moral of the story ... maybe we shouldn't tell people what we like to do in our free time , or where we enjoy spending our money , or if our tastes are may be a little over the top and expensive for their sensibilities.
(better one)Another moral  : Don't just come out with little name tags with "show-off" written on them .. or actually with any accusation at all on other people . Especially if you claim to know them or actually no "especially" cases ... just don't . Period .
Because honey they ain't labelling you . And trust me you should be scared if they do :p
Cheerio :)

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