The safest place .

I read a book once . The guy in it was a little too paranoid , He even changed his name for crying out loud . But the strange thing I loved about the character is that because of his paranoia , he went to the airport and kind of crashed there for forever . He thought it was the safest place and nothing could happen to him . But his paranoia got the better of him and just for the very first time a plane crashed right into the terminal building . 

But whatever ! I'm not gonna start my book report now . I just realised that how right the boy was . I've travelled to so many countries and practically lived on the plane when my parents were abroad . But even I found the airports too safe and comfortable . I know most of the people now think that I;m mad 'cause of the terrorist situations etc . But I'm really not you know. Or maybe I am . Don't care either way .
I feel so cosy when I'm about to shift from a sitting position to a sleeping one on the chairs in the departure lounge . People are coming and going . Some are meeting family , some going away from it for God knows what reasons. Whatever the objectives , so many different people are under one roof . I think it feels safe because there are so many new unknown people around you that your free of judgement . You have a tiny bulb of hope glowing in all of them . A hope that no matter what happens to me I have at least 1 out of those thousands to help me out . 
This is one thing we expect from people we don't know . The ones we know , we also know what cruelties they are capable of . After all I feel , if given the chance , nothing in this world Can be as cruel as a human being . They know how to bring you down everytime .They crush every strand of hope in you . Make sure your heart screams with the torment they give you from their words . Yeah .....words can be the most magical one second , and they can bring you to tears the other . 
I think I'm drifting off now :p
Just wished we all had those safe houses .. free of guilt and judgement and greed and so many other horrible , annoying , soul crunching emotions that make our days miserable . 
And since we dont ... I think it's better to start concentrating on our personal acheivements and little drops of happiness that stick to the skin like dirt we never see . 
Cheerio :)

1 comment:

Wajiha Maryam said...

This post is definitely one of your finest:)
And yess I remember you talking about the cruelties human beings are capable of. Sigh.
Btw, what a coincidence, I love airports tooooo:D Buttt I can't imagine living there forever haha:P