About to Explode ...

People go through an all time low . I had no idea I was the next one in line . I feel down , depressed and cry my eyes out all the time . Well not exactly but it's just a figure of speech . 
It's just that i feel ...weird. Whatever the case and reasons are I'd like to know them . I wish I could help myself . This blog is getting way too sober and whiny . So I'll take off . I guess I'll watch Vampire Diaries . because the living didn't do much lets hope a vampire brings me back from the dead :p
Just an advice for people who are having more shitty days than I am .... Make sure you teach people how to treat you . Because after all they are a bunch of selfish , self obsessed , self centred , materialistic , judgemental , humans . It's time you become one too . It's the only way we can survive . 
Cheerio :)

1 comment:

Umer's Photography said...

Be yourself dear :) Life is full of happiness depends where you find it :) make your choice according to your happiness not according to happiness of others :)