BOOM : I'm not perfect but you should be .

It's been some long long long 28 days . And might I add the most horrible ones too . The busiest ones as well .  I've had depression issues . I've had serious jealousy glitches . And above all I've had bouts of  'I need to speak my mind ' problems . 
One of those lovely sunny days in which I wanted to break someones face with the impact of my mind .. I was just about to literally throw a hand punch on one of my would've-been-victim . The reason was completely simple "double standards". I had few opinions of my own , and the victim had his own . The problem wasn't that . The problem was that he was trying to stuff his so called 'pious values' down my throat . While he himself believed otherwise . He tried to just show me how wrong and outgoing and a little too flamboyant I was ... although considering his previous record , and the current one , he was still the same old fake person he always has been . 
Its funny that he was trying to show me how my thinking was all messed up . Although if anyone else had known the topic of conversation  , they would've wanted to tears his limbs off . 
That's the thing ... we do something , want something else , and preach something totally opposite to others . And when those others don't listen to us , we get all sulky and act like a big baby who cant handle the heat .  
So I guess we can all do a favour to this world , and keep doing what we do secretly behind the worlds back ... and still not go cliff climbing on others minds and values . 
OR else dude you really wont like the next time I easily , efficiently , cleanly assassinate your "perfect" character and personal choices in life . 
Till then teach yourself to shut up ... or go to hell . Whichever is easier and quicker :p
Cheerio :)

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