Jingle all the way ... :)

Christmas came and went and I didn't even get a Christmas tree :( 
The bad thing for me is that I've lived for so long in Ireland that I like celebrating all occasions and festivals .. irrespective  of my beliefs and religion . So when I ask my friend as a joke where my Christmas present is guess what I get ???? Yeah you got the right " what are you like a christian now !! We don't do Christmas gifts." 
I mean wow !! I wonder how we turned from tolerant and friendly HUMANS to discriminating LOBBIES !!!???? 

Christmas ..whatever the reason and history behind it why shouldn't we celebrate it . Cant we just be happy because we need 'excuses' nowadays to be happy ???Its a part of holiday season .So I don't  see why I should be frowned upon just because I take an interest in different festivals and commemorations that don't belong to my own religion . Its so unfair .Its actually our double standards , because we are ready to go to awesome sales right during Christmas and yet we don't even have tolerance  towards it . Not just Christmas... any occasion . We don't have to follow something religiously or spiritually to just celebrate it . Isn't the reason of a festival just to be happy ?? We don't have to feel happy and celebrate for someones recognition and praise ..its for our own self .

That's what festivals should do ... so please if your one of those people who think  that its 'cool' to laugh on the people who are more welcoming and accepting towards other cultures than you are ...well then go to hell .. or probably you will 'cause of your approach and thinking that's smaller than a pea . 

And for the ones who enjoy Christmas and other happy occasions .... keep on having fun .. buying things for the occasion .... or just being happy because of it . Don't let others bring you down . The people are gonna stay for a long while annoying you at one thing or another .... but who knows whether you'll live to celebrate another occasion . 


Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can't have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. But as tough as wanting something can be. The people who suffer the most, are those who don't know what they want.

So true it is . This word has mostly ruined lives .. be it singular or plural . We as humans have so many attractions around us that its hard to say no . To give in to these temptations seems the most easiest .  Desiring can take us across the bridge as well as over the cliff . Wanting people ... things ... dreams ... its the same under the bracket of wanting and desiring . 
But in the end desire is the fire that sets the action aflame . Not wanting is an unimaginable thing to me . Ive never seen people say they don't want anything else in life ... and I don't want to stop wanting too. Desire is as simple as wanting water for thirst , food for hunger , oxygen for the blood , love for happiness . Its our second skin to keep on wanting , craving and dreaming for more . This word More should probably be put in as a synonym for desire . Its made our life a living hell . Its ruined relationships , careers and happiness . 
But as much as its a synonym for desire ... its also the second meaning of hope . Hope .. the truly deserving but still over rated word . Its taken people down into the darkest of lives . But more than that it has melted the hardest of ice bergs . 

So desire for me isn't really a relative word ... I wouldn't put it in the 'bad' emotions bracket ... because desiring is what keeps us alive ... it makes us try harder ... it makes our heart beat till we get the one we love ... or till we die trying .... most of all it makes us desperate . And only in desperation do we achieve the greatest , be the happiest and feel equanimity which makes us desire anything and everything around us in the first place . 
I loved the concept of the Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter . Such a beautiful concept ... explained which such natural flow .... because after all we see in any mirror what we desire to be . No magical mirror needed . 
 But we should remember what Dumledore said
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live ."

On the surprises...

The tale of 'Pixie Rabbit' .

Its no easy to write about people that you always remember ..and its not easier to be the person who can sit in someones heart for all the right reasons .. but believe it or not we have alot of such idiots among us . And they make our days better , make our smiles brighter ,  and make our occasions happier . 

One such type exists around me ..I'm sure you have one of those people too . 
Not to take any names .. the person I know is WILD . And its the bestest word I can come up with for her . Shes probably one person I have NEVER  seen sad . And that's a big feat considering the fact that we all are bunch of mopers around her . So this friend .. say her name is pixie rabbit  .. is one of the people who after I meet , always feel happy . Shes lame to the point of dying :p .... but that's her best thing.Shes not conscious about what she is ..and I don't think she should be . Rabbit is just an example of  what we should all be... sometimes I laugh at just how ridiculously happy she can make all us friends .
I wish we all  ,including me , could be more like the rabbit in each of our lives . Not be conscious of people staring at how loud we laugh ,or not giving a shit on how many problems we have . Trying super crazy stuff with our hair and succeeding in looking DA BOMB after every one of those adventures .
I mean at the end of it all it really does take a superhuman amount of courage to try new hairstyles and pull them off every single freakin' time :)
And even more strength to pull us lazy-dumb ass-literally red eyed rabbits out of our rabbit holes and bring us out into the green green grass with yummy orange carrots  , munching and pooping all over the garden without any worry .
So this is for my rabbit out there . And I hope you guys go and tell it to your rabbit too that thank you for making us smile and laugh and most importantly making enough of a difference to care and make us want to  . And enjoy a carrot with them .

Blizzard basics.

Spending my holidays in a wintery place. Colder than Karachi will ever be of course. Woke up today with my bed all warm and cosy. And as soon as I got out ... Well basically froze to death in just a few seconds. The floor was too cold to walk on and my head felt all benumbed and jammed all of a sudden.
But the good part was I went to the veranda the sun was shining and I sat there and felt snug. It felt very comforting . The feeling was a good lazy feeling . 
Everyone has their  preferences for favourite climate and season .. but its nice to be blessed with 4 different seasons . Its kind of cool that winters are totally opposite for the southern hemisphere folks . However still cant get used to thinking that beaches and blazing suns are a part of 'winters' in that corner of the world . But like everything else this season is also relative.
Its nice to have soft jumpers and warm Ugg boots to wear . Choose a really nice jacket for the season , have bonfires and sit in front of the heaters till you burn yourself :p
Some people have cold hands and fingers all year round .. but when it comes to winters they can be really really really ... well inconvenient would be a milder term . But why do we have warm hands and feet if they cant help the cold ones out ??;)
My most favourite part would be the go out into the cold looking like a teddy bear 'cause your so wrapped up and still as soon as the wind blows a little stronger , your  bones freeze and your teeth chatter again . I like when your super cold out in the open and as soon as you enter a mall your warm again .Its like the feeling that Harry has when he sips butter beer for the first time .

Not everyone is a tea or coffee fan ,and not all are booze fans either :p But whatever preferences .. winters have a certain comfort to them . Its the fact that you have a long but peacefully warm night ahead of you ..that you can do anything you want with your time  .. you can spend it doing just simply nothing ,being useless and good for nothing , being a huge waste of space is actually fun :)

Winters have loneliness written all over them . So it would do you wonders if you didn't mess up your life and kick people you love out of it .. and be miserable like Dr.House or some other stupid idiot that looks cool on TV, but spends his evenings in his lonely empty house eating out of a box !!
Enjoy the fact that you have a season to complain about how you cant feel your fingers anymore .
Cheerio :)

Obsessions .. the healthy stuff :)

Obsessions can be so satisfying , almost like chocolate . 
VAMPIRE DIARIES !! wow .. I mean I thought it would be a normal vampire boring show with the girl with a suicidal streak in her to be unitied with her lover for eternity .. but guess what ? It isn't . And thank gawd for that because I am completely sick to the point of vomiting from all that cheesy vampire love crap from twilight . 
But something even much better than the show itself is one particular character ... oh yes you guessed it right .. Damon Salvatore played by Ian Somerhalder . OH EM GEE is he hot or what .. I mean I thought I grew out of the celebrity crushing phase but I am SO in it .. and that too deeply .

I'm not going to start rambling about him and his killer looks or even his awesome personality that he portrays , 'cause some of the girls may not like him .. but like whatever man . You must be either blind or just too dead not to drool over him . 
In a way he isn't different from any other hero most of us girls like . The anti-hero but still hero type . Awesome sense of humour . Piercing eyes . Protecting his girl even though he's never gonna get her . Basically the works . I mean we all want those guys with dark pasts and impulsive to the point of killing themselves for us types . 
But sad part which I will obviously and purposely never fully accept is that those guys don't exist .. and if they do they are hell twisted and make your life hell too ... definitely not lovable .. huge jerks .
 Us girls want to be 'the ones' to cure our guy , bring him out of his troubled memories , and make him into this supernatural , 'almost' into Damon Salvatore or Dr. McDreamy or whoever you drool over when you turn the TV on , person . 
But since I never gave a shit about reality as long as I'm not messing up my life with denial and silly imaginations of vampires and bad ass hero types ... I'm happy to have a new obsession in the form of vampire diaries -in short- Damon Salvatore . 
So sometimes its good to forget the realities of life and stop giving others and yourselves silly reality checks and being a buzz kill ... just dream . Dream like hell baby .
 Dream of all those impossible things that you will never get .. or that don't even exist . Even obsess about them . 'Cause sometimes its good to be obsessive , to forget reality and that extra baggage , and to just screw your life and plunge into the depths of oblivion and obsession .. an obsession with something totally silly . 
So a little treat for the girls .. a list of the 100 sexiest men this year .. check it out and drool a little , dream a little , obsess a little . And for the guys :search it yourself honey !

Cheerio :) 


Laughter is such a creepy emotion once you come to think of it . I mean why do we laugh ?? Why is our reaction to excitement or humour laughter ? I'm sure medically there must be loads of neuro crap related to it .. but emotionally ..??? don't know .. I don't think anyone does . 

It's kind of really astonishing if we come to think of the fact that extreme happiness is equal to laughter .. I mean how many times a day do I laugh ?? Probably 15-18 times .. and yet I have the nerve to come home and complain and whine about how a tiny little blip ruined my mood .. when I should be remembering that I was my happiest for 18 times today . And not just smile and smile happy .. actually beam like a disillusioned individual who doesn't know whats happening around them  :p
I read in an article that infant laugh , as in ha ha ha laugh around 300 times a day , whereas adults laugh , as in ha ha ha laugh, only 20 times on average !! WOW When did that happen . And most importantly WHY ? 
I think the main reason is that laughter symbolises acceptance in its truest form . Acceptance at work or school, or in a family or gathering . I don't see lonely people laughing .. or miserable people making people laugh . Be it the action itself or helping other do it , laughter in itself shows how much grateful we are to have some people in our life , to make us feel something strong enough that softens the edges of our mouth , to make our lips quiver and stretch into a smile and finally to flex our jawbones and pull up our cheeks and hear the never-noticed-but-always there sound of happy music . Of course let me point out that when you actually accomplish this please laugh along the lines of ha-ha-ha or ho-ho-ho or he-he-he .. DO NOT do ha-ho-ha-ho as it is sign of serious chemical disturbances inside your brain :p

So if you don't laugh much then honey you need friends and lame siblings who are even more annoying .. you need to flex those facial muscles and let us see the wonders of your moon beam .. most importantly you need to stop being a subconscious buzz kill for yourself and for others around you . Be nice ..'cause its nice to be nice .


It's our problem-free....... PHILOSOPHY

I have exams in 2 days ... all my friends are studying and all I'm doing is searching winter collections of random outlets on the net . I mean normally I wouldn't even bother looking at all that . I'll just buy it . 
Exams are so annoying .. I just wish I'd get normal grades and without working too hard I'd get a job with an awesome salary and a cool car that I can rub into peoples' faces :p
Isn't that what we all dream of ? Getting things without working too hard for them ? I don't think its a materialistic approach and I seriously ain't even ashamed of it . Like come on why the hell are we studying our asses of otherwise !!! We are gonna die in the end .. and life is full of shit already so why not buy a few stuff , eat in a new restaurant , go on a holiday and forget the world once in a while . I don't know why our lives turn so complicated as we grow-up . They are simple enough when we are small . The only reason I can think off is that we complicate it ourselves . We want to see our achievements in the eyes of others .. in the form of pride , or envy , or happiness . We don't want it for ourselves , instead we want random stupid people to see it. 
Tensions and anxieties are so nagging that they eat us every single day . What is anxiety ?? I just think it's a load of self-made rubbish we have so that we can feel like we have achieved something in life when finally one day is tension free . 

I think I need a break from all this excessive stress. It's doing me no good .. and it wont bring any good around the world too . Instead it will make us all a bunch of whining , complaining , dull lifeless dimwits . As if we need that on our plate too !!!!
So let go for once . Take a break. Doesn't matter if you don't have the money to go to the beach or a girlfriend/boyfriend or a happy family or good grades ..... Just sit on a super soft sofa , sip some cold water/coffee/vodka ,whatever you prefer:p , and let go of the excessive baggage . We don't need it at all .We can do better without it than with it . 
Cheerio :)

Green eyes aren't always pretty.

"No Sire! For it Is the green-eyed monster that dock moth."
A line taken from Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. Spoken for probably the strongest emotion ... Even stronger than hatred. JEALOUSY.

We all feel jealous sometime in life. We feel a certain pang of ... Just UHHHHH.... towards someone. Sometimes it's coz they succeeded more in life than you ever wanted to. Other times for lack of attention from the one you love. And sometimes just by material things like beauty , money , influence.
How hard is it to make someone feel jealous ?? Literally a matter of 10 minutes to the most. We know everyones inner complexes subconsciously. So when the time comes .. To boost our ego .. Or to just get attention and love ... We make people feel jealous. In my experience it's the most horrible emotion that could've been created in this universe. Every time I've felt jealous I've ended up ruining my day , my mood and generally killing a microscopic part in me that could've made me feel happy instead.
I've even made people jealous. Like SUPER GREEN EYED jealous. Like us all I've got satisfaction from it. I don't justify what I did or sometimes still do. But I guess it's just some void I want to full inside of me .. To feel that yes that person does care for me if they felt jealousy.
But overtime I've realized that instead of doing all that. All I can do is go over to that person and actually demand the love or attention I want. It's cheap and really lowly to droop to a level you don't belong to for nothing but even lesser love.
So next time you feel jealous or make someone jealous tell yourself.... And to the person too that how would you have felt ??
Cheerio :)


Festivals are super weird ... when they are coming near I never really look forward to them .. and just 2-3 days before one I get all super excited and ant the whole year to go by like this.
I love the preparations. Its really something fresh every time . We buy clothes all year round but buying a new sweater for Christmas or getting new bangles for Eid or buying a box of chocolates for your neighbour on Diwali is really special . The clothes have a new feel to them .. the shoes fit just little more perfect than Cinderella's fit her. All the guys look a little more cooler .. the girls a little more prettier .. the mothers more graceful , the fathers more dignified and most of all the families more together than they were all year round . 
That's what should be the main essence of a festival . It brings families closer .. increases the love and all of a sudden the hatred kind of dissipates . 

Not all of us have the happiest of occasions ... ruined by parents fighting .. or meeting old long forgotten and deeply disliked family members .. facing poverty .. and the simplest of them all is exams coming up . Even the tiniest test seems such a big distress. But whatever the issues are ... I for one believe that whatever our problems are ... no matter how selfish or self centered your mom is .. or how stingy and miserly your dad is ..or how annoying your brother and how jealous you are of your sisters make up abilities are .... you still have a day to spend  with them with one less series of rolled eyes .. one less scream of anger .. one less tear of misery ...
'cause I believe that one smile of contentment has the power to take away years of misery . 

This is getting really annoying

Yeah so today I got extremely tempted to read a new book ... But exams are coming up. So ,
Instead of ACTUALLY studying I just waste time thinking about studying and get guilty and all of a sudden I'm drowsy.
Wonder if it happens to everyone or am I the only one with the no-aim-but-still-living life.
Trying to study again.
Cheerio :)


All over the world the proper 'etiquette' or rule book to courting girls for marriage is different . But in the end it all comes down to one thing ... a girl has to be married before shes 26-28 !!! or else .. well poor thing is seen as a charity case . The Parents are praying to find or 'fix' their daughter up with some 'well-settled' bachelor .. as long as he has money and a job !!
COME ON Parents !!! is that the only thing left in this world ? be it America or UK or Asia its the same everywhere .
Why cant girls have dreams of getting an nice person who is actually handsome too ??
don't know about others but the culture here in the sub-continent is 'get married before you get wrinkles' .
and whats the best way but to fix up an arranged marriage . this is how it goes :

PART 1 ,
The girl is dressed up as much as a clown/puppet whichever you think is more scary . Then shes made to stand in the kitchen and look at whats cooking just in case her stupid future in-laws and husband ask what dishes there are for dinner/lunch . Doesn't that kind of show The Parents what kind of a guy he is . He's more obsessed with what food he's gonna stuff in his mouth than thinking about the life he might spend if he says yes . SAYING YES ! that's another essay all together . Which shall be discussed in full animation of course .
PART 2 ,
is the meeting-the-family part . Hello auntie Hello uncle .. Hello .....OMG hes bald .. he has a pot belly ... hes short .. he's a complete UNCLE !! seriously is that what all the beautiful girls in the world are left for ?? to marry someone who looks like he loves his office to bits and signs on office files all day !! i know its mean but come on appearance always matters too . its the first thing we can see .. you cant just perform an open heart surgery and check if the guy's heart is golden !!
PART 3 ,
Is the asking silly questions to somehow pry into what the girl is actually like . 'beti , what kind of bedsheets do you like?' , or 'mama cooks and you watch isn't that true no ??all girls your age are like this.'
But in their hearts these two lines translate to 'do you know anything about bed linens and household items ' .. and ..'are you actually the perfect servant we are looking for or are you a couch potato like my son , my husband and me of course.'
PART 4 ,
Is when they finally -after eating everything put in front of them- go home and leave us alone . 1,2,3 there goes Mommy on a 'how nice they were' ..'such a sophisticated family' ... 'these are the types of matches that we reject just 'cause our daughters have become too independant'.
And finally ..
PART 5 ,
Is the arguing part .. in which your trying to tell your mom how nice it would be to actually marry someone that in the least isn't bald .. imagine your wedding pics .. your all young and dainty. And well your 'uncle husband' is all ...uncle-ish . I wish The Parents would get that rushing through a marriage isn't the right thing to do . It turns messy in the end and we all blame The Parents in the end. Which child would want to do that?? none i guess .. but they are compelled to out of sheer frustration .

And now the SAYING NO part ....
Dear Mr.whatever your job is ....
I am an educated girl .. with an above average IQ , Passable looks and well.. some standards and wishes in life . HOW ARE YOU SAY 'we would like if the girl lost some weight before marriage , you see auntie I don't like Fat girls ' . STFU Mr.loser !! i mean seriously !! have you looked at you dear old mommy who has turned into a pig and is continuing to do so without shame as she eats all the fried chicken we put in front of her !!??
or Did you look at your own HOT BOD !! pot belly and slouchy posture .
I'd like to get an answer on that as soon as your mom turns a size zero. ...... oh which is never !!!
see ya later sucker... I'm so totally rejecting you .. not coz of your appearance .. but because you want to change mine ... idiot loser ullo ka patha .

So yeah this is probably the scene of your house if you have an older sis .. if you don't then don't be deluded.. its coming your way pretty soon. :P


Bubbles are burst

Sometimes I'm super happy or excited about something. And when I come to my friends to tell them the cause of such pure excitement or happiness ..POOOFF .. it's all gone because they just don't react at all . Or have a horrible weird reaction that's along the lines of disappointment. I Mean come on !!
Why can't people I want to share my stuff with get it the way I want them too? Is it expecting something they are not capable of ? Or is it their fault that they can't even be happy for my sake !! We always give the reaction our loved one wants ... Even if it means being going against our personality ... Isn't that what attachment is about ? Loving and being happy in the choices our loved ones make. Be the choices right or wrong.
Confused and kind of pissed 'coz I can't make people understand that we want the same stuff you do. The same reactions , the same support.

But I guess that is the beauty of a relationship. Your still willing to do it all and bear it all even.
Try doing that for the ones you love ... Or be the one to hope for that reaction !
Cheerio :)

Food frenzy

My exams are starting again :@ 
Which obviously means i spend my afternoons sitting in the library trying to somehow become sponge bob and soak up all the subjects without trying . And when i reach my saturation .. actually super saturation point I get up and off i go trotting along to the cafeteria . 
That's my favourite part about the exam "season" . THE FOOD . I eat like a pig/cow/hippo which ever eats the most. And i also BLOW UP LIKE THEM TOO ;)but I don't mind the getting-extra-fat on me part .
The feeling of when you dig into a bowl of ice cream and forget that you cant solve complex variable Fourier shit is heavenly . 
I eat biscuits and all of a sudden finishing the cream inside them is the only worry i have .. not of some stupid 50 page chapter I have to memorize . 
The only worry and the only joy is FOOOOODD . 
I fall on my couch at home and literally want to beg for the softest sofa in the world when I return to the library .. WOW  I mean seriously can there be any better feeling ??... I think not .. the sleep and the feeling of relaxation .. I finally start having fun in that exam "season" :P
So my 10 comfort must-try foods/drinks for anyone who has exams are as follows :

1.ICE CREAM (choco mint is the ultimate fave , but others will do the trick:))
2.PASTA (red sauce not white sauce plzzz tooo much adipose :p)
3.CHILLEDDDDD COKE (put in the ice first then pour the coke)
4.FRENCH FRIES (try mixing ketchup with mayo as the sauce)

7.COLD COFFEE (with chocolate chips)
8.SOUP with GARLIC BREAD(tomato , hot'n'sour are my fav)
9.BREAD with oodles and oodles of soft BUTTER 
10.CHOCOLATE (any one of your favourites .. although I don't think people have specifications of fav .. chocolate is chocolate)


Sweet memories .

When I moved to Karachi in 2005 well to be honest I was totally hating it .. being a Punjabi girl who was like all of my fellow punjabans had the habit of being stared to x-ray pulp in every bazaar in Punjab , I expected alot of of this "metropolitan" city . With the impression of women being independent .. not caring about what other peoples' lives are about .. not going after some form of social status , I had a tonne of expectations from here . 
At first I had my happy days . I was fitting well in school , people were nice and i loved the fact of how no one cared whose parents had a fight or whose sister married someone of another caste . Then I got into UNI .....

......well wow that was the wake up call for me .. the so called "progressive" city that Karachi was turned out to be junk .. no one wanted people to be better than them in any or every field of professional or domestic arena of life . They all turned out to be jealous idiots . The "women"-are-treated-with-such-liberty-here city turned out to be the same male egotistic world that the rest of my and all other peoples countries are . 
they stare at you if you dare to wear jeans unless you wear it with a long kurta that makes u look like some huge teddy bear .. they whistle at you .. sing super cheap songs that point towards nothing but DESPERATION . 
And the thing I loved the most about this place , that no one gossiped or cared about what was going on in other peoples personal lives , well.... that turned out to be bullshit too .  Girls gossip all around the world .. its their nature .. but BOYS !!! I mean these homo sapiens with slicked back hair and baggy jeans and their Levi's tshirts .. who would've guessed they had a women inside of them longing to blossom ... and the blossomed on .. yeah you guessed it right ... GOSSIP , some spicy juice news of who is going put with who or who was wearing what when I caught them at the gas station . I mean seriously dude !!! get a life and if you cant then at least get a girlfriend . 
These lovely virtues of my fellow uni goers is now a central part of my life .. I'm scrutinized , criticised , hooked up with a guy I barely know , or worse even called a mad hatter !! 
And the credit of such lovely accolades goes to all the boys around me that have an unquenchable thirst for gossip .. 
All I'd like to tell them is that although I realized that places don't matter .. still dude don't crash the hopes of other people who move to a place near you . 
try not to thrive on juicy sources . Grow up and stop watching gossip girl and acting like a Chuck Bass . And if you do watch it PLEASE do it for the chicks .. it'll save you from being chickens . And besides ... THAT would be normal boy behaviour .. don't be a sissy .. be a man for once . Not the ones with gay muscles and v-neck tshirts .. men with a brain muscles .. also called neurons. 
Cheerio :)

HOPE .. in its most shattered form .. but it's still there

There are some 'issues' around me I feel extremely helpless thinking of some possible , logical , happy , optimistic solution or temporary remedy for . I see women around me .. in all forms .. from extremely successful to extremely beautiful .. all of them struggling on some arena of the simplest day to day life . I want to make a difference in their life . 
They are subjected to physical abuse , mental torture , just plain degradation . Because of what ?? It's because the responsibility of nurturing and giving birth to a whole new generation is in their hands ?? Or is it because they so lovingly feed their husbands with scrumptious dinners ? Is the reason that they struggle so much because of their own mistakes ?? 
I know women who have worked hard all their lives to keep their children alive , to give them some decent education . And yet their husbands hit them and beat them to pulp . 
I've seen a wife who has loved her husband like mad.. given up every single thing for him , taken care of him and placed the world at his feet . And yet after 30 yrs of her life .. she is shattered because the husband hates her .. for no reason at all . Is that really fair ?? 
Giving examples of women that have spend decades trying to keep their families and marriages alive could be blamed upon social taboos back in those ancient times . But what about the girls who have just been married . It's a modern  age .. girls all around us are extremely independent , confident . And yet after they gain some weight due to childbirth their husband tells , actually , 'orders' them to get back to 50kg in a month !!!! I mean SERIOUSLY !! YOU JUST SHATTER SOMEONES CONFIDENCE IN YOU AND IN LOVE BY TELLING THEM ITS ACTUALLY PHYSICAL APPEARANCE THAT MATTERS !!!
I wish I could lessen their pain .. make them feel better ... tell them that they are the most beautiful beings to be loved and cherished . I want to tell them that they are the most graceful forms of the strength that God wants in His people . I cant do that . I'm no missionary type Of a person .. I don't have contacts with media personals .. so all I can do Is a catharsis .. A transfer of my thoughts from me to my keyboard .. and light a candle of hope within me , that my feelings can actually reach someone who need to know that although you don't know me I still want to reach out to you and hold your hand and give you the strength to move on and be stronger .. for your kids , for yourself .. OR just for me . Cause your strength gives me the biggest bucket full of strength that I need . 
Cheerio :)
A good book is always a treat to read ..this one particular book I Picked up  while looking for a distraction. Been smiling the whole way through so far. Surprise!...It's not about manipulation. The phychological principles are natural things we do as humans and most of the time we don't even know it! The findings are based on research and every one of them rings true as I picture my own life experiences. It's all stuff most of us eventually learn, but I wish I'd had this book in high school and college. I'd have been less confused. 

Do try getting a copy of it or reading it over the net .. Simple but highly entertaining.
I even tried some of the techniques first hand .
Cheerio :)

Faith Healers .

I read just a few days back what "faith healing" is .. according to a proper definition Faith healing is healing via spiritual means. So its easy to guess  what faith healers are . Spiritual people .. or people possessing divine interventions that can help one in the healing process be it physical or emotional .
But I kind of would like to change the meaning around a little . Is it really important for some specific people to have some specific spiritual inclination to make others feel better ?? 
Healing I believe always comes from within .. in other words I'd say that to heal from the inside or out it's important to actually start believing ... isn't that kind of what spiritual healing is ?

Spiritualism ..faith , belief they're all from the same basket .. 
So why cant we be healers ??? .. Faith healers .. restoring some form of lost confidence in people ..telling them that they don't have to compare themselves to others .. that people will always be better than them but there are plenty more that are worse .. be grateful we aren't among them. We just need to remind people of the miracles around us all . As Einstein said " there are people who believe nothing is a miracle and there are ones who believe everything is a miracle " .
So faith healing for me would be "actually restoring someones Faith" .. the faith to be restored could be faith in themselves , or in God , in broken but loyal relationships , in our children , our parents , our friends , or simply faith in strangers . 
Hence being a faith healer wouldn't require you to meditate or have some religious inclination .. you just need a keen ear and a soft heart to have healing powers . 
'Cause sometimes healing others is the way to healing the deepest scars within us .
Think and try . 

Friends Forever ???!!!!!! whatever

You've gotta know who are the people worth spending a big part of your day are .. in other words I mean to say that you've gotta know who your real friends are . I've changed alot of schools and met alot of people . But out of so many people I've spent school or college or university days with I can only name a handful of them I'd call my "friends" . 
The thing is first of all lets clear the definition of a friend in my mind and yours . A friend , pal , chum , buddy whatever you may call him/her is an individual who you can talk the worlds' crap with , you can insult in front of the whole world and get away with it 'cause actually even he's laughing with you on your choice of words and expressions . Friends don't have to be all close and keep each others secrets . They don't need to do any kindness for you or do your homework for you or let you stay in their house if your parents kick you out of theirs . 
Its a wrong concept with with the whole bumper sticker concept of a good friend and real friend !! Dude seriously their is no such thing . The only thing that exists is a FRIEND . No best or childhood or whatever attached to that . 
Don't have stupid expectations from them .. jealousy towards them . Don't hate your friend coz he has a hot girlfriend.. hate the girlfriend for being so hot that she burning your relationship with your friend. 
And most of all before deciding if that girl/guy is your true friend think that are you a good enough friend for them ?? Would you be able to do what your expecting them to do ? 
That's where it all begins and that's where it all ends . 
Also check this really funny but nice video .. I'm sure alot of us have seen it . 
Cheerio :)

The bravest are the tenderest.. The loving are the daring

I don't really like the feeling I get if I'm ignored or dismissed by someone . Especially that someone being the person I'm attached to . Its kind of mean when you care about people so much and in the end they don't even give a damn about your care or your effort . 
 Love isn't always about feeling .. it's equally important to express . Sometimes we can express it by giving gifts , or by going out to eat together , or by just sitting on the same couch and watching a really boring show . But your not paying attention to it , 'cause what matters is the company your with . The security that you feel by being with those special people . 
But some time in life it is absolutely necessary to say it out aloud that you love and care for people . I mean come on they 
aren't Edward Cullens who can read your thoughts !! It feels nice to hear that yeah OK I'm loved by someone , because at the darkest of times when we aren't feeling all positive about our decisions in life ( and yes I have those times alot . I'm sure we all do , we just want to be too macho to admit it ! ) it's nice to hear someone tell you that you make them smile .. or that "oh I thought about you in class today" .. or "I went shopping and looked at these fab pair of shoes I knew would match with that new dress of yours" . Or just a simple "I missed you today when we were talking about happiness" would do the trick too :)

So go to the one you love or if there are multiple then go at different times :p and tell them that you love them . Stop trying to make them guess all the time .. actually say it this time dudes and dudettes !
It feels good !! Easy on the nerves .. soothing even . 
Cheerio :)

It's not so hard to just ...accept .

I wonder sometimes that why do people expect some super-human stuff from me ? Or from us all as that matter . Its funny how long a list of everyday disappointments can be . I mean seriously dude why do people have to make me into something I'm not ?
Parents complain about grades and how aimless you are in life . How I turned out to be not so good  of an influence on the younger generation . How I think life is all about fun , or making mistakes or doing small kindness to people I don't know . I didn't know what a crime it was to listen to your heart once in a while . 
Some people are generally the quiet type and some are the be-all-bubbly type . I feel that both the types are always misjudged . The quiet and introvert type actually don't have a scheming mind and a heart full of hatred for people . They actually are really simple . They want the simple stuff in life . Some love and a little appreciation from those who matter to them . But unfortunately they never get both usually . 
The bubbly type again are the poor souls people take to be shallow  and even diplomatic . They are deep and sensitive . Not the devil may care attitude we actually think they have . And all they want is for people to actually take them seriously ..to consider the authenticity of their words . 
It's really sad that we as parents or elders cant tell children once that whatever they are doing it's theirs to bear ... that we are proud of them no matter what . That we don't judge them on the basis of choices they make or where they end up in life . We don't care if they didn't become a doctor or a solicitor , or that choosing a place or city to live in that we wouldn't have personally chosen doesn't make you lesser children of ours . 
So if your a parent or a guardian or just a parental figure in the life of a youngster or even a grown-up try to be nice to them . Talk to them . Ask them the stress their under or their aspirations in life . And most importantly love them without a condition attached . Without malice or social taboos or external pressure . Make someone feel good in life , 'cause honestly I think we really need to make others feel happy and better ourselves . For the contentment within. 



Embrace it .. or forget it .

It's funny how people change so much and we never even realize it after a long time . Friends and family and even acquaintances . My personal experience has really shocked me out of my shoes sometimes .
 They say they like you as you are , no changes no alterations . And then one day when your finally feeling happy with yourself and approve of even your disliked traits BOOM!!!! You get a wake up call . Your family member says 'you didn't turn out as expected ' , or your friend who loved your new  bob all of a sudden says ' you should do something about your hair ' .If the liked you 'cause of your height , now they think your 'too towering above them' .If you have acne they all of a sudden realize that'clear skin would really suit you '. And ofcourse a very hot favourite is that if your a little towards the chubby side , justttt a little tiny winy bit , they change their 'your likable as you are ' to a ' you should loose a little weight you know , its not too harmful' !! Yeah right people . Must not be harmful coming from your mouth but the little change you want to make definitely sounds as much harmful as a nuclear bomb to me.

Why aren't people ever happy with us ?? Or is it just us seeking too much approval from them ?? Low self-esteem issues that compel us to be dependant on a fickle opinion of a person who cant live 7 straight days without bringing about a "phenomenal" change in you ? I myself haven't ever been able to justify my need to be accepted by a few specific people in my  life. So like all things,I change something or the other in my own way so that he/she/they can approve .
But here's the thing .. if I have enough courage to change or alter something in me physically or personality wise , don't the people I'm doing it for have enough dignity to accept me the way I am ? ....And by acceptance I don't mean just bear me , but actually love me for the way I am .
I'm sure we all would like to live one day without trying to fit in , or be recognized or simply put "to be loved". Unbelievably nowadays we have to actually 'make an effort' to get love .

It's sad that the person/persons we do all this shit for don't get the fact that if we get acceptance for the way we are , we are bound to change ourselves in a  constructive way out of love for them . Not out of some invisible binding that comes with relationships.
So since I cant change the ones I love , I'd like to atleast accept them for them .. for the reason we loved them in the first place . Not for some "custom-made human" we want them to be .
Cheerio :)

The shopaholic way

Shopping for some is a hobby and for some it's an addiction . I personally would put myself under the second category . First I had alot of pocket money .. so naturally I didn't know what to do with it . Now times have changed so much that I barely have lunch money :p

Some people might not like spending too much money .. especially on things one barely needs . That's a good habit , but sometimes you just have to spend that extra amount of money for something useless. Its a sort of detox for the soul . Forgetting the same old routine rules and having just a little bit of an adventure.
It feels nice to hold a shiny new shopping bag full of something you've splundered money on . The feel and smell of new clothes still smelling of the store you got them from . The shine of a trinket , the freshness of a fruit , the calories of an extra packet of sweets . The happiness is just endless . You feel alive , fresh , reincarnated even and at some rare times ,  motivated .

Most importantly its the feeling we get when we know we've done something for our own self .. something selfish that for once isn't harming anyone or anything . Something people cant judge you on. Buying something absolutely unnecessary is good sometimes . It helps to know that mostly we feel so trapped ,  sometimes due to circumstances , or due to relatives , friends or just the society in general , but buying something you've always wanted or you've always wanted to give to someone you love actually breaks us free of those invisible bars around us .
So it's nice to get up , grab your  credit cards or cash , get a ride to the mall and spend uselessly. 
Go give yourself a treat .. if for nothing else than for the simple reason that your bearing the puking roller coaster that life is .

Sunday Masses

In my sisters words there are two types of people around us . The "bringer-uppers" and the "bringer-downers". Pretty clear from the terms . You just have to know which one you are and which ones you want in life . 
The "bringer-downers" are obviously the ones that make us feel bad about ourselves . These specific type of people know only how to lower your self-confidence . Make you feel like your useless , a burden on every ones shoulders , and basically just a big dumb-ass. All they know is how to project themselves as huge brainiacs , how they are way smarter than you , better at doing something that you do . They criticize us . treat us indirectly like a piece of garbage . they make fun of us not to make themselves feel better but mostly to make us feel like losers . Basically these stupid idiots just want us to feel that we really are good for nothing . Even I know a couple of people of this type . They make fun of me .. discourage me and just show me the negative aspects on everything .. so that I shouldn't do that thing in the first place . Its not 'cause  they think I cant do it .. its cause they know that if I did it , and tried as hard as I could I would probably succeed way more than they ever will . 
The "bringer-uppers" are really the people to go to . They don't discourage us , they don't mock us . Instead if we are going through a low self esteem phase they actually bother to make us feel better . They show us the rainbow , the brighter side of things , the cute dimple we never notice because we are too busy trying to figure out a reason to smile . They have nothing special in them . Actually they are completely normal .. even laid back or casual . Most people think that the "bringer-uppers" are just people who have no brains , no ambition in life . Its sad that we are so blinded by social pressures and lust for money and success that we fail to see the gifts that God has granted people . simple gifts that really do matter .. that not everyone one of us have . The gift of being capable of making people feel better about themselves . 
Its up to us .. we know we are one of the two types . Which one , you have to decide . And when you do try to be a happier person by making others happy . Do stuff because you want to do it . Not because you have yo prove something or beat someone to it . 
Cheerio :)
It's a weird day . Sometimes I feel that having relationships that matter to us so much makes us a little impatient . Don't know if its impatience or just failure of expectations from our relations . But i think that we humans are very fickle . First we want perfect people as per our imagination. And then we want them to have certain features like some new top of the line gadget . And soon we realize that these aren't really the things u wanted . You wanted something else . And then something else . And this goes on and on . 
I wonder why though . Probably 'cause all us humans are dissatisfied with themselves . People don't disappoint us Our disappointments disappoint us . 
So instead of wanting to change people to the point where they are actually your imagination's clone we should try to accept them as they are and realize that this is what we actually loved and still do.

It's cake time !!

Its funny what little gestures can do to make our lives so happy . Birthdays , surprises , presents really make a difference . Its fortunate of some of us to be able to spend our special day with the ones we love . To be treated like everyone is actually pleased that you came into their lives . Parents , siblings , friends really make the day worth while . In the morning most of just have a feeling that its a normal day , you get bored , nothing exciting usually happens . But when it ends I always feel this contentment that i was lucky enough to have the people that mattered most to me around me . 
 The cake cutting is always special . I myself prefer everything chocolate but cheese cakes really don't hurt either ! The birthday song .. so yes we all have grown out of it but still tends to make you smile ear to ear . Funny how we think before our birthday that we are young and the next day after it we feel all grown up . We never realize that inside we are all a one year old toddler who wants presents and attention and most of all love . 
a thought you should really give time to if you know what I'm talking about . 
Goodnight . 
Cheerio :)

First days .

So the first week just ended after a long period of relaxing holidays . But the summer isn't over . Which I realized on my first day back to uni . It was boiling hot . I was soaking in sweat before I reached class . So much for the new clothes :p
Its like sometimes you that feeling that you cant wait to meet your friends or want the fun to start again . But some how I always find first days back extremely disappointing . The people kind of seem bored .. or I think its probably the long communication break with your friends on a daily basis. We all look at each other for something fun to talk about or do but in the end there is an awkward silence between us all . 
I usually hype up about my day back that everyone at home asks how it went . And then all I say is 'yeah it was ok'. 
My first day wasn't bad actually now I think about it . It went smoothly . Didn't loose my temper , didn't even argue with my friend which is a big step :P 
The other days went by smoothly too . And now I'm looking more and more forward to the next week . We all have are expectations . Even no expectation is alot of expectation .. but that's the point of life isn't it . To look ahead .. move on and leave the good and the bad behind . 
Cheerio :)

Thinking again ..

Its getting busier all of a sudden . I have my university starting again . New semester . I vowed I'll study from the beginning this time .. which is not going to happen I know . I've got a few weddings to go to so I'm looking forward to them . 
It's funny how when I had holidays I didn't want them because I was having so much fun . And my favourite words over the summer was "bored" and "boring". But now I don't want the holidays to end . Happens with everyone . We take things for granted . We think as if the feeling would remain forever . One of the reasons why we love memories so much .. they take us back into perfection .. or its actually the perfection we have made them into . Thinking what actually happened makes us remember that at that time we were cribbing about something or the other too . 
I guess its human nature . We want things to be perfect and even our thoughts aren't perfect . Its this race for perfection everyone wants to win . But perfect isn't great .. its always flawed because its always fake .

Give that a thought .. might help with the perspective of alot of things and issues . 

cheerio :)